Saturday, October 12, 2013

How to install Ruby 1.9.3 on Ubuntu 13.04

Step 1: Login as root user
avinash@avinash-Z500:$ sudo su

Step 2: Issue the following command to install RVM(Ruby Version Manager) using curl

avinash#  bash -s stable < <(curl -s

Step 3: run the following command to add a line to the bashrc file

# echo '[[ -s "/home/avinash/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/home/avinash/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc

In the above command change the name avinash into your pc username

Step 4 : run the command to check whether the above line was added to bashrc file or not

# nano ~/.bashrc

Step 5: run this command 

# source ~/.bashrc

Step 6: If the output of the below command shows rvm is a function,then we have a working rvm installed. 

# type rvm | head -1

Step 7: run this command to install ruby 1.9.3

# rvm install 1.9.3

Step 8: run this command to make ruby 1.9.3 as default

# rvm use --default 1.9.3

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tutorial on how to easily bypass Fileice surveys

Follow the below steps to download files from fileice or any PPD site.

STEP 1: Copy the fileice link for the file you want to download

STEP 2: Download and install hide ip easy or pd-proxy like software's.Click to download pdproxy 

STEP 3:From the hide ip software choose IP Country as United States or in pd-proxy choose demo server and click connect.

STEP 4:Then paste the fileice link in a new tab and press enter.

STEP 5:Now the survey list should be changed.

STEP 6:click on the survey which shows File unlocks after email submitted.

STEP 7:Then give any valid email address.

STEP 8:After the email address was submitted,then the file starts downloading.

Highly compressed files (3.5 GB to 10 MB)

Friends please don't believe in highly compressed movies,os,games like that.Because all these kind of stuff's are fake.For example,if you search for highly compressed windows 8 on google ,it shows thousands of websites related to the word highly compressed files.If you go into any one of the search results and download the highly compressed file(normally it was around 10MB but it shows 3.5GB after extraction) and extracted it,,nothing works.This was the truth behind highly compressed os,movies,etc.If you wanna proof please comment,i will show you.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tutorial on installing any modem on linux

Normally Linux distributions like Ubuntu,Debian,etc detect and mount modem as a CD/DVD drive.And the network manager applet does not show the service provider name on its list.For this problem you have to follow the simple steps given below.

STEP 1: Copy drivers.gz or drivers.tar.gz file from the modem file manager to the desktop.

STEP 2: Extract the drivers.gz file on the desktop.Open the extracted driver directory,right click inside that folder and select open in terminal option.

STEP 3: Type the following commands on the opened terminal

              drivers $ sudo chmod 777 install

              drivers $ sudo ./install

STEP 4: After installation of drivers,restart your pc.Now network manager appplet will detect your modem